Comments and observations on Texas politics

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Open the Doors

Well, it looks like Mrs. Hutchison has thrown her hat in the ring. Why else publicly call for a special session, right?

But why is she doing it now? Isn't making everyone think Rick Perry is a failed leader her best hope of beating the incumbent governor?

This would be like John Kerry accusing George Bush in April of 2004 of mismanaging the War in Iraq. That's great and all, Senator, but the election is seven months away (at best) and you've got to promote a vision, not enumerate a list of terrorist bombings.

Same concept here. Kay shouldn't be telling people in early June that she thinks the Legislature can't get the job done on this issue. Anyone who cares about taxes or public school finance already knows that. She needs to get people thinking that Rick Perry can't do his job and will not be able to solve those issues.

Say Perry calls a special session, gets Craddick and Dewhurst "in the same hemisphere," and they come up with a plan that can get 76 votes in the House and 21 in the Senate. That doesn't get her very far, now does it?

Or, maybe she's crazy like a fox and thinks that no matter the number of special sessions called between now and March 2006, there won't be a solution. So she can prod and prod without worry. Advantage: Kay

But what if the state Supreme Court throws something at the Legislature and they capitulate. Say that happenns -- is that better for Rick or for Kay? I say advantage, Rick.

Kay, you want to win? You better make this race about Rick Perry and not about the Legislature.


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